protein - Elements Barre Fit

Quick and Easy Post Workout Snacks

Elements Staff Published On: Jul 08, 2021

Do you ever find yourself racing to get to work, drive the kids to camp, or get your beach day started after a tough workout? We often prioritize fueling before a workout, yet neglect the need to get in a nutritious post workout snack. However, this snack may be just as important as the workout itself. Fueling your body directly after a workout, specifically by consuming both protein and carbohydrates, allows your muscles to repair and your body to recover properly.
To help you feel your best this summer, we have created a list of quick and easy post workout snacks!

Greek Yogurt with Berries
yogurt with strawberries and blueberries
Greek yogurt is a great protein source, packed with calcium to support bone health, and probiotics to support gut health. Adding fresh berries, a carbohydrate and antioxidant, creates a delicious post workout snack. Stop at your favorite farm stand and stock up on fresh berries for this delicious snack.

Banana or Apple with Nut Butter
apples with peanut butter
Bananas and apples are great carbohydrate sources, and perfect for taking on the go. Pair it with a tablespoon of your favorite nut butter, and you have a nutrient dense post workout snack. Nut butters are not only packed with protein, but also healthy fats that support cardiovascular health. Opt for nut butter packets for a grab-and-go snack.

Veggies or Crackers and Hummus
hummus, crackers, and tomatoes
Hummus is packed with protein and has been proven to fight inflammation and promote gut health. Whether store bought or homemade, this delicious dip can be paired with your favorite veggies or crackers for the perfect post workout snack.

Protein Smoothie
banana smoothie
Smoothies are not only a great way to get in your favorite fruits and vegetables this summer, but an ideal post workout option. Fill your blender with your go-to fruits, throw in some vegetables for extra nutrients, and add your favorite protein powder. Try some fun combinations like chocolate banana, kale pineapple, or blueberry vanilla.

3 Tips for a Healthier You

Elements Staff Published On: Dec 07, 2020

Founder Andrea’s Tips for a Healthier You

Eating healthy, feeling strong, and fueling from the inside out is the quickest way to becoming the happiest and healthiest version of yourself! 

Check out Founder and CEO Andrea’s 3 tips for integrating healthy habits, exercises, and foods into your everyday!

Tip 1

Weights, Cardio, Protein, Power: 

How increasing these 4 powerhouses can optimize your training.

1. Weights: adding wrist or ankle weights to cardio activity increases the workload, meaning you’ll burn calories in a shorter amount of time. 

2. Cardio: cardio activity in conjunction with sculpting & toning exercises increases the metabolic rate, which helps the body burn calories more efficiently. 

3. Protein- increasing the intake of protein helps muscle function and builds strength. Protein powers the body to build and 3strengthen. You can find protein in powders, lean meat, tofu, and beans. 

4. Power- increasing the intensity of your work out STEADILY over time helps the body to gain greater overall health, rather than, for example, adding 50 lbs to your deadlift overnight, which can lead to injury and burnout. 

Tip 2: 

Ditch the stationary equipment:

Hit the mat & hit the floor.

I see a ton of clients with horrible hip and low back injuries from increased use of indoor stationary equipment. 

The body does not move perfectly parallel, however indoor cycle bikes, elliptical machines, and such have a property called sheer force, which holds the equipment in place, forcing the body to only work in one plane of motion. This causes pain and, over time, injury. It’s best to include cardio routines that use weight bearing, free moving exercises, allowing the body to move across all planes of motion with ease. Things like HIIT classes, dance classes, and barre classes are great options. 

If you do have an injury, consider rehabbing by focusing on mat pilates exercises to regain strength while allowing the injury to heal. It’s always best to consult a physician if you experience persistent pain or ongoing problems. 

Tip 3: 

Matcha & Bars:

Yummy energy boosters. 

I particularly like to add Matcha and healthy protein bars to my clients’ diets as it helps them curve cravings and boost the metabolism. Matcha is a natural source of energy and caffeine. Regular use in the diet can actually speed up the metabolism by helping the body burn calories faster and more efficiently. It can replace coffee altogether, and mixed with coconut milk is a great non-dairy latte option. 

In addition, RxBars are my new favorite grab and go snack, as they are power packed with lots of protein and help the body sustain energy for long periods of time. RxBars are a great supplement as you run from meeting to meeting and have no time for a full meal. This helps the body avoid high and low spikes in blood sugar, which can make you feel both jittery and sluggish.